Hartismere Family of Schools

England's First Academy Trust

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Safeguarding: BeReal

BeReal is the latest trending social media app. The concept is that people see others in their authentic day-to-day lives, sharing candid photos without editing or applying filters. Each day at a random time, users are simultaneously notified to take a photo of what they’re doing at that exact moment. The two-minute window to submit an image means there’s no time to select a particularly glamorous or exciting activity. BeReal shares two pictures: a selfie, and an image of the immediate surroundings. Users can only view and react to their friends’ photos once they upload their own. 



Safeguarding: X

Safeguarding: Social Media & Mental Health


Public Sector Apprenticeship Target Reporting

Scheme of Delegation

Hartismere Family Privacy Notice

Gender Pay Gap Report

Terms of Reference Hartismere Family of Schools

Executive Pay Statement

Hartismere Family :: Policy Documents

Member and Trustee Information


Bereal Safeguarding Guide Social Media Policy Delegation Gender Statutory Information Documentation Pay Governance Notices The Trust Privacy Student Information School Accounts executive pay Trustees Parent Information Apprenticeships

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